Tips For Foreigners Planning to Leave Shanghai During Lockdown

Tips For Foreigners Planning to Leave Shanghai During Lockdown

26th April, 2022

On 28 March 2022 Shanghai announced to lockdown. It has been almost one month! Some foreigners plan to leave Shanghai for a variety of reasons. Is this a mission impossible? I have just managed to fly back to Hong Kong and would like to share 1st hand experiences of mine.


First of all, you should check if you can get the tickets to your destination. Recently, only a few cities have had direct flights from Shanghai Pudong International Airport. Examples, are Hong Kong, Taipei, Tokyo, Bangkok, Seoul, Singapore, Frankfurt, and New York. If you have to select one city to do a transfer, please pay more attention to your visa issue.


Secondly, please communicate with your local residential community to get oral or written permission for going out of your building on the traveling date. As I know some communities only check passports, electric air tickets, and 48hrs negative nucleic acid reports, but some of them must issue paper exit permits for your leaving.


Afterward, you should make a reservation for your ground transportation to the airport. Book a car 2 days in advance from or send a booking email to [email protected]. We suggest approaching the airport at least 4 hours before the flight departure time. If you need to travel across the Huangpu river, please put your pick-up time even earlier. The agent will reply to you with the availability once got the travel schedule.

第三步,有了机票和居委会许可后,可以预约车辆。因为车辆资源紧张,政策多变,越早订越好,至少提前2天预约,实际接的时间有机会根据司机的空余时间微调。出门时间建议为至少航班起飞前4小时,如果有跨江需求的,务必再提前。可直接到网站 www.amyexpress.com下单(要开VPN),或发送电邮至[email protected],收到信息后,客服会联系下单人告知是否可以安排等事项。

Fourth, make an appointment for an at-door nucleic acid testing service. Option one, search ‘ktjk12’ for Biotecan Medical in WeChat and add it as a friend. (I used the Biotecan Medical report to check in.) Option two, call 15956651602 Shanghai Zhongke Runda Precision to make the appointment. Please be reminded to print out the report and hold the paper document to the airport.

第四步,预约上门核酸检测。一、微信搜索”ktjk12”添加宝藤医学,然后预约上门做核酸(我本人是宝藤医学出的报告)。二、电话15956651602,预约中科润达医学(朋友推荐) 。请留意,为了后续手续顺畅,必须要打印纸质核酸报告,因为机场值机人员有机会需要把报告和证件放在一起拍照留档。

Last but not the least, wish you good luck!








最后滞留值机柜台的有两位旅客,一位因为核酸检测机构非认证机构,不让登机而和工作人员大声争执; 另一位巴基斯坦人从香港转机,似乎签证有问题而不让登机。非常无奈!



最后,祝大家好运! 旅途顺利!