Hong Kong to/from Macau Limo Service is Available

Hong Kong to/from Macau Limo Service is Available

AmyExpress is pleased to announce that the limo service for transfers between Hong Kong and Macau is available after a nearly 2-year border closure due to Covid-19.

優勢1️⃣ 香港🔄澳門點對點直送
優勢2️⃣ 根據行程預訂您的理想上落車時間
優勢3️⃣ 過境免下車,方便一家大細
優勢4️⃣ 租單程/來回程,全日租車又得👍🏻
優勢5️⃣ 合法營運車,保險承包,避免租用非法車輛陷阱🇭🇰🇲🇴港澳合法營運7人車🚗

車型:新款7座 Alphard / Vellfire


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